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About 12:30 a.m. this morning, my mother-in-law, June, passed away. Thankfully, it was a peaceful crossing from this world to the next for her. She was under home-hospice care, and we all knew it was time for her to go.

She’d lived an eventful, productive life for 94 years., and was a classy, talented lady I respected greatly. She was kind and caring, and still stood tall for the things she believed in.

I wanted to include this photograph of her posing on the back of a fire truck in Grandville, Michigan:

June on a fire truck

If you’d like to read more of my opinion of her, you can read my post from November of 2012: June.

I’m getting all misty-eyed, so I’d better close this up.

Goodbye, June. I will never forget you.